Saturday, October 5, 2024
7 pm Saint William Catholic Church
The Saint William parish community is excited to bring back the Unity Rosary again this year! This multi-cultural event will begin by joining together in praying the Holy Rosary.
“Part of the beauty of Holy Mother Church is the balance of unity and cultural expressions—though we are the Church Universal, we have so many amazing expressions of our faith that are very unique to each culture or region. For example, by the Holy Rosary, our Lady unites us in one powerful, uniform prayer, but at the same time she appears to each culture as one of their own— showing us that we each participate as part of the whole in our own unique way. I encourage you and your family to join us for the Unity Rosary, so that we can experience this depth of the faith together!” - Fr. Kyle (2023)
A reception will immediately follow in the Parish Hall. We invite the Saint William community to join us. It is an opportunity to learn how other cultures, represented within our parish community, honor our blessed Mother -- and enjoy some traditional food from around the world.
The volunteer sign-up period is now closed. However, we invite the St. William community to take part by attending the Unity Rosary.