If you are interested in learning more about one or more of our ministries, please contact:
Tommy Sustaita, Director of Ministry Life at 512-600-8190 or tsustaita@st-william.org to schedule a meeting.
In big and small ways, parishioners contribute time, talent, and treasure to the scores of ministries at St. William. What is God calling you to do for His kingdom?
American Heritage Girls
American Heritage Girls Troop TX6201 has many age-specific program levels available for girls between the ages of 5 through 18. In addition to regular troop meetings and monthly socials, this group also works on projects that promote service to others, enhance life skills, and provide opportunities to develop friendships. You can find out more about the troop here.
Anchor is St. William's young adult ministry for Catholics ages 18-35. They host spiritual, social, and service events every month. For the current list of events, check out facebook.com/AnchorCatholics/events/ or email anchorcatholics@gmail.com.
Asian Council
Our goal is to offer fellowship for the Asian Catholics in our parish, share our traditions, and promote personal prayer and spiritual growth. We are active in the parish as listeners to the specific concerns and needs of Asians in order to help the parish serve these parishioners better. For more information, please contact Anne Pham-Macharia at: annephammacharia@gmail.com
Catholic Daughters of the Americas
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas local chapter belongs to the largest national organization of Catholic women in the world. This group is dedicated to strengthening their spiritual life through Christ and His Church. You can visit their website here.
Church Cleaning Committee
This group of volunteers meets on Tuesday mornings at 7 am and cleans the church and chapel. In addition, they also organize the Semi-Annual Sanctuary Cleaning Day held in March and November.
Finance Council
This group advises and counsels the pastor regarding the administration, management, and finances of the parish. Potential members are interviewed and appointed by the pastor.
Junior Catholic Daughters of the Americas
This is a Catholic group for young ladies between the ages of 6 and 18. It teaches them how unity and charity can be an enjoyable and rewarding part of life.
K.J.T. Society #134
This Catholic, family-oriented organization meets for food and fellowship four or five times a year. They host annual events including the Burger Burn, Pizza Night, Chili Dinner, and Christmas Party. KJT #134 gets together with other KJT societies for Family Days in June and August.
Knights of Columbus Council 9368
The Knights of Columbus is a service organization that provides an atmosphere of fraternity and family life for men.
Knights of Columbus Assembly 2245 is a fourth degree of the Knights of Columbus. In addition to the Knights of Columbus principles of Charity and Fraternity, the core principle of the Fourth Degree is Patriotism. Fourth Degree Knights are often visible in their distinctive uniforms at Mass, Flag Ceremonies, and other religious or patriotic events.
Ladies Guild
This group promotes fellowship, friendship, and service to the parish and community as needed. The Ladies Guild is open to all married or single adult women who are members of Saint William.
MOMs Group
The purpose of this group is to "Meet Other Moms" and provide friendship and support to one another in our vocation as mothers.
For more information, please contact Austyn Schwarzbeck by email at austynlmay@gmail.com
Nursery / Childcare
The Saint William Nursery provides childcare during the 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM, and 1:30 PM Sunday Masses. There is also childcare available for the Saturday Spanish and English Baptism Classes.
For more information or to learn how you can volunteer, please contact Mrs. Sonia Burkhard by email at nursery@saintwilliam.org or 512-600-8220.
Pastoral Council
The pastoral council is a representative body of the faithful who serve the pastor in an advisory capacity in nonfinancial matters pertaining to the health and well-being of the parish. To learn more, click here.
The Scouts BSA is a youth organization that is dedicated to forming young people as future leaders and helps them learn more about the outdoors through camping trips and other activities. Meetings are held on a regular basis.
That Man is You! - Men's Group
The group's purpose: Men transforming men, families, and society, presenting the vision of man fully alive! The group combines the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints with the best research from modern science in an interactive, multimedia format, to place the vision of man fully alive within the grasp of every man.
Contact Mike Krysak - 2024 Flyer
Friends in Christ Youth Group (Spanish)
Our Motto: "On defeat... The love of Christ triumphs."
Are you young and want to know God more in order to show it to others? Friends in Christ gives you the opportunity to develop as a leader, discover your potential, find yourself, and discover your vocation.
As young people, we face challenges in our lives and sometimes we don't know how to cope with our problems and difficulties. This group will help you discover that you are not alone and that God is always by your side. You will also find many true friendships within the ministry that will help you to leave your problems in the hands of God.
We are a group of single young people 18-35 years old. Our group talks and activities are in Spanish, but most of the members are bilingual, so "language is not an impediment to approaching the group."
We were founded in 1999 by young people, for young people, and as an aid to train brave and capable young people in the struggle for a better world with the teachings of the Catholic Church. The youth group is a gateway to Catholicism for young converts, it is a first step to later enter other ministries in the parish and thus continue to grow in their Faith.
Amigos en Cristo (Friends in Christ) meets every Friday for a Holy Hour at 8 PM and on Saturdays from 7 pm - 9 pm.
For more information contact Reyna Gonzalez >>
Society of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Spanish)
Promotes and increases devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Parish Community Activities
For more information contact Susie Pineda at 512-415-9262
Society of Brothers of Saint Juan Diego (Spanish)
Agreements for the Society
For more information about these and other ministries, please contact Tommy Sustaita, Volunteer Coordinator at 512-600-8190 or volunteer@st-william.org to schedule a meeting.