May 7, 2023 - One of the most important principals of the Christian faith is that of sacrifice. Sacrifice is something that society wishes to ignore and even avoid. But we as Christians need to see the great value of it; after all, the most important moment of Christ’s earthly life was His sacrifice on the Cross, His supreme act of love for us. We need to be careful not to fall into the devil’s trap of hedonism— constantly seeking pleasure, comfort, and convenience — for we grow tremendously from sacrifice.
We can also see this liturgically: the Mass is both a meal (participation in the Last Supper) and a sacrifice (participation in the Crucifixion). To over emphasize one at the expense of the other leaves out a key part of the equation.
Thus, in uniting with the sacrifice of Christ, we need to make sacrifices of our own! For example, our liturgical sacrifices may include coming to Mass even if we’re tired, donating to the Parish offertory, dressing nice for Mass, singing and/or responding when we don’t feel like it, letting someone have the closer parking spot or desired pew seat, or letting someone in in the car line after Mass.
These make for good questions: Do I embrace a life of sacrifice like Christ, or always seek my own pleasure, comfort, or convenience? Do I remember to reflect on the Sacrifice of Christ at Mass? Do I make little sacrifices for myself and others, including at Mass?