Happy Easter! He is Risen! Our Lord has conquered sin and death! In John 12:31, Jesus states, “Now is the judgment of this world, now the ruler of this world will be cast out.” What Jesus is saying is that Satan, the prince of this world, will be defeated and cast out. The world will be filled with the Lord’s love and mercy. It does not mean that we will not suffer the consequences of the original sin of Adam and Eve, as all of us do. Instead, it is through the Lord’s passion, death, and glorious resurrection that we can share in the Lord’s victory.
We are not a people who suffer hopelessly. We have a God in Jesus Christ, who understands our rejection, abandonment, loneliness, and human toil. And He has redeemed our suffering. That is what we remember today: Christ’s victory! May we share this great joy with all we encounter as St. Mary Magdalene does in our Gospel. She encounters the risen Lord and runs to tell the apostles the great news. Jesus had told the disciples what was going to happen and now His words have come to pass.
I pray that each of you will encounter Easter joy not only today, but every day. That is my greatest desire! I have encountered the Risen Lord’s love in deep and profound ways. May you come to know it in the same way. More importantly, may you spread His love to others. Let us rejoice that our Lord is risen today! Alleluia, Alleluia!
Ad Jesum per Mariam,
Fr. Francisco Rodriguez III