The Sacrament of Confirmation is one of the three sacraments of initiation and strengthens the grace received at Baptism, sending the newly confirmed into the world to be a witness to Christ as a fully initiated member of the Church. This sacrament recalls and “perpetuates the grace of Pentecost” (CCC 1288) in the life of the Church through its confirmed members. Catholics can be confirmed at different ages, depending on the norms of the diocese where they reside as well as their journey of faith and sacramental life prior to being confirmed. Ordinarily, here in the Diocese of Austin, the bishop or the priest he delegates will confirm candidates between the ages of 14 and 16 years old. Adults who were not confirmed as young people may also be confirmed, following a similar time of preparation. Those preparing for Confirmation should be growing in a deeper relationship with Christ and the Holy Spirit, coming to Mass every week, praying regularly, and growing in attentiveness to the movements and inspirations of the Holy Spirit in our lives and exercising the gifts of wisdom, piety, counsel, understanding, knowledge, fortitude, and fear of the Lord. Congratulations to our newly confirmed who received the sacrament of Confirmation on May 11! Let us continue to pray for them as well as for our candidates who will be confirmed in our next Confirmation Mass on June 1!